Type to search for HUDs!

Advanced search
author:username - search by author name
name:hud - search by HUD name
tags:minimal - search by tags
has:streamer-mode - search by feature
os:windows - search by HUD operating system
gamemode:pl - search by gamemode UI
res:16/9 - search by resolution
position:center - search by ammo/health positioning

UI for advanced search coming soon!

Barehud  by Jocelyn


Edit of Bearhud by Bernard.

Notification popup now works but its not great cant be bothered to fix.

Advanced settings are accessible through normal settings as always, I have removed the advanced settings button as I personally do not need it and find it clutters the menu screen.

Based on

Broesel HUD

Other Variants

Broesel Crsp
Broesel Old
Broesel Blue
Feeling Blue