Type to search for HUDs!

Advanced search
author:username - search by author name
name:hud - search by HUD name
tags:minimal - search by tags
has:streamer-mode - search by feature
os:windows - search by HUD operating system
gamemode:pl - search by gamemode UI
res:16/9 - search by resolution
position:center - search by ammo/health positioning

UI for advanced search coming soon!

DeerHud  by Deer


DeerHud is a complete hud designed around pixel art and general pixel aesthetics. this hud features a lot of custom sprites and artwork created by me. I feel like the hud market is pretty stale in terms of styles and im hoping to bring something fresh to the table. if you like you can download the full res background images and use them as wallpapers.

Note: please check out the README for customization instructions, you can also disable the blur effect if you’re experiencing issues with it or simply dont like it. linux and mac arent officially supported as i cant test on them but they should work fine for the most part.

Theres also a TF2C version if youre interested.