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UI for advanced search coming soon!

PZKPFW  by amp-t


PZKPFW aka PanzerKampfWagen

2 versions to choose from, stock olive drab or pink

there’s a map file in zip folder which you need for the training button in the main menu which you need to extract to tf>maps


-kori, simon, joe, buud, snake, mark for testing/giving suggestions and feedback

-hypnotize for all the help again!


some elements were used from collyhud and m0rehud as a base to work from.
the base was pvhud


17/12/23 - 1.1

  • fixed queue status interfering with main menu elements
  • removed casual level number
  • fixed 12v12 matchhud not showing respawn timers.
  • made cap points a bit more opaque to accommodate for dx9