Type to search for HUDs!

Advanced search
author:username - search by author name
name:hud - search by HUD name
tags:minimal - search by tags
has:streamer-mode - search by feature
os:windows - search by HUD operating system
gamemode:pl - search by gamemode UI
res:16/9 - search by resolution
position:center - search by ammo/health positioning

UI for advanced search coming soon!

Submit a HUD

We require HUDs to be published on GitHub. For more information about the process, visit the hud-db GitHub repo.

Display name of your HUD

The ID for your HUD. This should be a unique, all lowercase, dashed name.

A full description of your HUD. (supports Markdown) Learn more here.

Display name of you, the active developer of the HUD (however, outdated HUD maintenance may not count as authoring in some cases)

Display names of anyone you would like to credit for the creation/development of the HUD. Not to be used for general credits, but major and direct contributors

Initial release date of the HUD, YYYY-MM-DD

If this HUD is a slight edit of another, put its ID here. This will group the HUDs together.

A list of image names/YouTube videos. Images are automatically converted to webp, do not use extensions for uploaded images. First resource is required, must be an image and is used as the display banner. Resources also support youtu.be links for video embeds. Learn more here.

External Links

Links to your social media profiles and other pages

A link people can use to support you financially

An extra link where users can get help/report issues. If not present, will use GitHub Issues.

Your SteamID64

Your Steam group vanity ID (used for custom URLs)

Your Twitter handle

Your Discord server invite code, not the full URL, or your Discord in the format username#0

Your YouTube channel (either /channel/id URL, @username or channel name)

Your Twitch channel name

Link to some Imgur album or other to provide more images

Additional Options

Additional options for your HUD.

A list of flags whose presence indicates the existence of a feature of some kind

What operating systems does the HUD support

What gamemodes does the HUD customize for

What aspect ratios does the HUD support

What position is the ammo/health in the HUD (multiple customization options can be available)

What languages does the HUD support (if it has custom language files)

A list of words associated with the HUD for discovery. Be general. First tag is considered primary and used as a category. There is no list of valid tags, but they are subject to review for usefulness/'spamminess'.

Release Info

Where to download your HUD and its version.

GitHub repo web URL

Git commit hash of your current version. Learn how to retrieve this. (PR an update to this each time your HUD updates, and we will approve it)

If this is a prerelease/WIP HUD

Once you've generated your HUD files, use the hud-db GitHub repo to submit your HUD.

You can find additional information on how to upload there.
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